Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to retrieve permanently deleted mail in outlook??

Worried?? Just because you accidentally deleted an important mail from your outlook inbox? Well here is a way you can get it back
Don’t worry if you have deleted any mails permanently from your outlook inbox. Here is a way you can retrieve your permanently deleted mails.

1. Go to Run by clicking on Start and type in regedit.

2. Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, expand Software.

3. You will find Microsoft there. Expand Microsoft.

4. Expand exchange and then client.

5. You will find Options there. Right click on Options, choose New and click on D Word Value.

6. Now right click the new Dword Value and rename it to DumpsterAlwaysOn.
Note: This is case sensitive.

7. Right click on the DumpsterAlwaysOn and modify the Value data to 1 and click on OK.
When you type 1, this means the Recovery deleted Item is on. Also 0 to turn it off.

8. Now open Outlook and click on Tools.

9. Choose ‘Recovery Deleted Items’.

Quick Sort

An animated image demonstrating the Quick sort algorithm used to sort a list of items in computer programming. First, a pivot is selected from the list, then the list is partitioned so that the values greater than the pivot come after it and those of lower value come before it. This act is recursively performed until the entire list is sorted.

Why One is 1,Two is 2 ,Three is 3?

Thought of sharing this info i got by email about number system.

The numbers we write are made up of algorithms, (1, 2, 3, 4, etc) called Arabic algorithms to distinguish them from the roman algorithms (I; II; III; IV; etc.),

The Arabs popularize these algorithms. But their origin goes back to the Phoenician merchants that used them to count and do their commercial countability.

Have you ever asked the question why 1 is “one”, 2 is “two”, 3 is “three”…..?

What is the logic that exist in the Arabic algorithms?

There are angles!Look at these algorithms written in their primitive form and check it up!


And the most interesting and intelligent of all…..
